

Welcome at last to our new Website. We have had a long wait to get someone to set this up and we hope that all our members and visitors will be impressed by its presentation and quality.

I am sure you will find it very easy to navigate. The site will be updated regularly to try and ensure that the information available to the members is current, informative and beneficial.

I do hope that you will enjoy browsing our site and will visit regularly. Why don’t you save it to your favourites? Please feel free to sign our Guest Book.  I look forward very much to reading your comments.

If there is anything you would like posted on the website, please contact the Most Worthy Grand Patron to ascertain if it is possible to publish.

Fraternally yours,

Sister Christine Rose Burton.

Most Worthy Grand Matron


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3 entries.
Coralee Rittenhouse, Fraternal Correspondent Coralee Rittenhouse, Fraternal Correspondent wrote on 19 March, 2025 at 2:19 am
I am thrilled to see your new website! I am trying to gain information for my Grand Chapter-Pennsylvania- to be held in June 2025. I am to present a report on the different jurisdictions. It has been a challenge to find information on many of the Grand Chapters. Thank you for what you have done.
I am thrilled to see your new website! I am trying to gain information for my Grand Chapter-Pennsylvania- to be held in June 2025. I am to present a report on the different jurisdictions. It has been a challenge to find information on many of the Grand Chapters. Thank you for what you have done.... Collapse
Sis Kathleen McAulay WM Dundee Discovery Chapter No6 Sis Kathleen McAulay WM Dundee Discovery Chapter No6 wrote on 15 March, 2025 at 3:18 pm
It is wonderful to see the new website up and running.
It is wonderful to see the new website up and running.... Collapse
John Hanning John Hanning wrote on 10 March, 2025 at 12:20 am
Thank you to Callum Wilson Designs for creating our new website. your company has created an up to date website which is easy to navigate. Thank you Callum for your assistance.
Thank you to Callum Wilson Designs for creating our new website. your company has created an up to date website which is easy to navigate. Thank you Callum for your assistance.... Collapse