Grand Representatives are nominated members of the OES in Scotland and abroad.
They communicate with each other to inform their correspondent of items of interest and encourage the promotion of fraternal friendship and international goodwill.
Supreme Representative | Chapter Abroad | Overseas Representative | Expiry Date |
Sister Helen Smith | UGC Australia | Sister Blanche Watt | 31.12.25 |
Brother John Hanning | Alabama | Sister Joyce Herndon | 31.10.26 |
Sister Elizabeth Williamson | Alberta | Brother Gordon McEwan | 31.12.24 |
Sister Evelyn Swan | Arizona | Sister Laura Reilly | 6.8.26 |
Sister Mina Smith | Arkansas | Sister Brenda Griffen | 31.12.26 |
Sister Anne Wilson | Bolivia | Sister Elva Bobarin Conde | |
Sister Annabel Leitch | British Columbia & Yukon | Sister Mary Gowan | 31.12.26 |
Sister Hazel Dunsmore | California | Sister Kari Bankson | 31.12.25 |
Colorado | Sister Glenda Dunn | 30.4.26 | |
Brother John Smith | Connecticut | Sister Jean Spoor | 31.12.26 |
Sister Marie McColl | District of Columbia | Brother William Masonis | 31.1.26 |
Sister June Miller | Delaware | Brother Mercer Quinby | 31.12.24 |
Sister Adrienne Graham | Florida | Karen Sargent Rankle | 31.12.25 |
Sister Morag Telfer | Georgia | Sister Laura Hollifield | 31.12.27 |
Sister Isobel Girdwood | Idaho | Sister Mary Hanson | 31.12.26 |
Sister Morag Brown | Illinois | Brother Joseph Poole | 31.12.24 |
Sister Isabel Hanning | Indiana | Carla Lynch | 1.5.26 |
Sister Agnes Miller | Italy | Brother Vittorio Giammarioli | 1.3.26 |
Sister Kay Walker | Iowa | Sister Lisa Hauser | |
Sister Linda Rodger | Kansas | Brother Danny Newell | 31.12.25 |
Sister Elspeth MacMillan | Kentucky | Sister Barbara Flannery | 31.12.25 |
Sister Mary Usher | Louisiana | Brother Joseph Rabb | 1.3.26 |
Sister Dorothy Shaw | Maine | Sister Alice Stinson | 30.4.26 |
Sister Ruth McCulloch | Manitoba | Brother Jim Hutchison | 31.12.25 |
Sister Christine Whyte | Maryland | Sister Jeanne Glascock | 15.4.26 |
Sister Sheelagh Alford | Massachusetts | Brother Earnest Bean | 31.12.25 |
Sister Wilhelmina Newlands | Michigan | Sister Samantha Lewis | 31.12.25 |
Sister Avril Faulds | Minesota | Sister Pat Maslonka | 31.12.26 |
Sister Denise Wilson | Mississippi | Sister Emma Godard | |
Sister Lynne Adams | Missouri | Sister Louise Willis | 1.5.26 |
Sister Elizabeth Reid | Montana | Sister Martha Burrell | 31.12.26 |
Sister May Hunter | Nebraska | Sister Lassa Nielson | 31.12.25 |
To be allocated | Nevada | Sister Elizabeth Willson | 31.12.24 |
Jane Paton | New Brunswick | Katherine Lister-Clark | 31.8.25 |
Sister Valerie Harkins | New Hampshire | Scott Borthwick | 31.12.25 |
Sister Elizabeth Smith | New Jersey | Brother Bert Decker | 31.12.26 |
New Mexico | Sister Trish Keefer Higdon | 31.12.25 | |
Sister Christine Burton | New York | Sister Helga Fielitz | 31.12.26 |
Sister Wendy Brown | North Carolina | Sister Elizabeth Gupton | 31.12.23 |
Brother David Burton | North Dakota | Brother Scott Morrissy | 1.4.26 |
Sister Doreen Mustard | Nova Scotia & P E Island | Brother John Melville | 31.12.26 |
Sister Margaret Caughey | Ohio | Nancy Farthing | 2.10.25 |
Sister Audrey Jackson | Oklahoma | Brother Alexander Christie | 31.12.24 |
Sister Linda Robertson | Ontario | Sister Natalie Muir | 31.12.25 |
Brother Donald MacNeil | Oregon | Sister Janet Givens | 31.12.26 |
Sister Elizabeth MacNeil | Pennsylvania | Sister Susan Gotta | 31.12.25 |
Sister Sheila Arrel | Puerto Rico | Brother Julio E Mendez | |
Sister Elizabeth Smith | Rhode Island | Denise Shippee | 31.12.26 |
Sister Eileen Batten | Sao Paulo | Sister Maria L G Almeida | |
Saskatchewan | Sister Angela Bothner | 31.12.26 | |
Brother Derek Forrest | South Carolina | Brother Neil Shephard | 31.12.26 |
Sister Sandra Miller | South Dakota | Sister Doris Parke | 31.12.27 |
Sister Sharon Davidson | Tennessee | Sister Tara McNeely | 31.12.24 |
Sister Elizabeth Galloway | Texas | Sister Judy Parsons | 31.12.24 |
Sister Jean Weddell | Utah | Sister Ginger Record | 31.12.25 |
Vermont | Brother John Parenteau | ||
Sister Elizabeth Bartram | Virginia | Kimberlee Sherman | 30.4.26 |
Sister Rhoda Donaldson | Washington | Sister Sandra McAmmond | 31.12.25 |
Sister Janette Morrison | West Virginia | Sister Cindi (Alcinda) Shockey | 31.12.23 |
Brother Alex Corbett | Wisconsin | Sister Lisa Schultz / Sister Mary Borckardt | 31.12.25 / 28.2.26 |
Sister Jean Moore | Wyoming | Brother Mark Mickelson | 31.12.24 |
Worthy Grand Secretary
Supreme Grand Chapter of Scotland
54 Market Place
Tel 01555 728280
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