Supreme Grand Chapter Office Bearers

Supreme Grand Chapter Office Bearers

On this page you will find the list of 2024-2025 Supreme Grand Chapter Office Bearers

Most Worthy Grand MatronSisterChristine Rose Burton
Most Worthy Grand PatronBrotherJohn Hanning
Immediate Past Most Worthy Grand MatronSisterAnnabel Leitch
Immediate Past Most Worthy Grand PatronBrotherJoseph Moore
Worthy Grand Associate MatronSisterValerie Harkins
Worthy Grand Associate PatronBrotherJohn Faulds
Worthy Grand SecretarySister
Worthy Grand TreasurerSisterDorothy Shaw
Worthy Grand ConductressSisterLinda Rodger
Worthy Grand Associate ConductressSisterAnne Wilson
Worthy Grand Senior ChaplainBrotherFred Kydd
Worthy Grand Junior ChaplainBrotherJames Sharp
Worthy Grand MarshalSisterJean Moore
Worthy Grand OrganistSisterAvril Sinton
Worthy Grand AdahSisterAnne Reilly
Worthy Grand RuthSisterIsabel Hanning
Worthy Grand EstherSisterSheelagh Alford
Worthy Grand MarthaSisterEllen Delamar
Worthy Grand ElectaSisterArlene Nelson
Worthy Grand WarderSisterWendy Brown
Worthy Grand SentinelBrother